Bigly Bestest Chilly Chillin’

@thebiglybestestdoggie: I don’t care if it’s only 15 degrees out! What part of I WANT TO PLAY FETCH do you not understand?  Okay, okay. Maybe I will just sit here in front of this nice warm fireplace with my blankie and ball until Spring…

~Happy Tuesday, everyone! For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, hope you’re managing to stay warm this winter and enjoying a few lazy days along the way. For anyone in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s probably safe to say this doggie wishes he was there right now, playing fetch under the warm summer sun.~

34 thoughts on “Bigly Bestest Chilly Chillin’

  1. Tucker doesn’t “play” with balls anymore. Ever since he saw Miss P (a beagle) win best in show, he considers this behavior beneath his dignity. He won’t even go for walks with me unless I’m wearing my Ralph Lauren or Tommy Hilfiger attire. 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    • There is definitely something to be said for not giving a doggie’s poop about appearances. 😛

      Jett is clearly comfortable in his own skin. If he wants to walk around with a ball clamped in his mouth for days, then that’s exactly what he’s gonna do. He doesn’t care if the whole world sees him that way. He’s not one for pretentiousness or putting on false airs. As far as he’s concerned, doggies live for playing ball, and that’s all there is to it. 😂

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      • Tucker asked me to pass a message on to Jett. “With that ATTITUDE your invitation to accompany me to Mar a Lago for an appletini, an afternoon of watching competitive polo and an evening seminar on Russian linguistics will be cancelled.” Tempurpedic mattresses designed to support our musculoskeletal needs and electronic dog doors to satisfy LEASHLESS walks at our CONVENIENCE is another reason to reconsider your thinking. Don’t let your humans treat you like a dog when you deserve to be treated as a CANINE! Join us in the #CANINE TOO movement.

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      • Great news! Jett is perfectly okay with the rescinded invitation. He claims he’s not really big on appletinis. Or competitive polo. Or Russian linguistics either, for that matter. As long as he continues to receive frequent belly rubs, quality fetch time, and tasty treats from his beloved owner, he’s totally content. 😁😆


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