Bigly Bestest Rockstar

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Move over, ball! Looks like there’s a new toy in town! My dreams of becoming the World’s First Rockstar Doggie may finally come true!

~Happy Tuesday, friends! What could be cooler than a guitar-playing doggie? Jett will be sure to keep you all updated on his progress. So far, he’s mastered sniffing and licking it.~

31 thoughts on “Bigly Bestest Rockstar

    • Oh, you don’t have to worry; that was as close as he got to the guitar. We’d gotten that guitar for my younger son’s birthday two weeks ago. As you can see, he found a safe place to set it down. 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, I had a student once who went to sleep with her acoustic – one night she set it down beside her bed and when she woke up to get ready for school the next morning, YEP you guessed it – she step onto the guitar, busting it to bits…
        All part of the learning experience for some students.

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