Three’s a Charm


Woo hoo!


Comically Quirky just turned three!

This particularly blogiversary is especially special.

It’s the first anniversary since The Bigly Bestest Doggie came along!

And made Comically Quirky bigger!

And better!

And even more exciting!

Thank you all for enthusiastically welcoming Jett and his doggone fun weekly feature, Tails ‘n’ Tweets.

I don’t know what I ever did without that incredible doggie.

He undoubtedly adds a certain je ne sais quoi to this blog.

Thank you for three fun-filled years of goofiness.

And laughter.

And chaos, too.

Thank you for joining us on yet another year of adventures!

We’re so very happy to know you!

~Happy weekend, friends! If you’d like to read my very first post that kicked off the insanity, please click here! Thanks again for being so awesome, and have an amazing weekend!~

Thanks for joining us!

Thanks for joining us! ~ Jett

68 thoughts on “Three’s a Charm

  1. Cutest photo Angelica! I’m so happy you’ve kept growing this writing adventure. Here’s to many more fun and exciting entries. Happy blogiversary!


  2. Aw gorgeous photo, he definitely does add a little ‘ je ne sais quoi’. Huge congrats on the 3 year blogiversary!! You should be very proud, and I’m very glad I found your blog when back when I did. Here’s to another year of happy blogging! 🙂
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy anniversary! I think Jett more than deserves to be billed in the blog’s title now… maybe Comically Quirky with Jett, or Jett’s Comically Quirky, or perhaps even The Biggest Bestly Doggy Blog sponsored by Comically Quirky….

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hmm….Now I’m starting to wonder if this sweet doggie of mine has aspirations to overthrow me and take over the entire blog. If you happen to see the name change to Comically Doggie or any of the other variations you’ve listed, please tell me asap! 😂😂😂


    • Thank you! As far as I’m concerned, the world needs far more humor, laughter, and reasons to smile. I’m honored to be able to provide a dose of comic relief through this quirky little blog of mine. 😄

      Jett sends his regards. Woof woof woooooof! 🐶

      Liked by 1 person

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