Bigly Bestest Virtual Suspect

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Momma suspects I’ve been secretly conversing with a virtual pal called Alexa after a coincidental suggestion to order dog food instantly popped up when she turned on Amazon Prime TV.  I swear, I had nothing to do with it. Nothing at all!

(Psst! Alexa, help a doggie out. Order me some more treats, would ya?)

(Psst! Alexa, help a doggie out. Order me some more treats, would ya?)

~Happy Tuesday!~

18 thoughts on “Bigly Bestest Virtual Suspect

  1. I’m not worried. Most virtual operators can’t understand plain English, let alone canine-speak. Like the automated refill system for my prescriptions… “Please say or enter the number of the prescription you want refilled, followed by the pound sign.” Dog barks while I am searching the label for the Rx number. “I’m sorry,” the voice says, “I didn’t understand your response. Please try again.” I’m sure it was just a coincidence. Right, Jett? 🙂

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