Bigly Bestest Boredest Doggie

@thebiglybestestdoggie: This summer heat is just not motivating. I don’t want to play fetch. I don’t want to chase birds. I don’t even want to thrash around the yard like a beached whale. And I usually love thrashing around! It’s gonna be a long summer…

Summer heat… Bleh.

~Happy Tuesday, everyone! Hope you’re managing  to stay cool… or warm, for all our friends in the southern hemisphere.~

21 thoughts on “Bigly Bestest Boredest Doggie

    • Right now, Jett finds relief in sprawling across the cool kitchen floor tiles. He does love ice cubes, though. Whenever a rogue one shoots across the room from the ice maker, you can be sure Jett is the first one on the scene to stake his claim for fresh-off-the-floor ice! 😛

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