Bigly Bestest Free at Last!

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Notice anything different about me? I’ll give you a hint: look at my neck! That’s right- I’m finally (FINALLY!) free from that torturous cone-shaped contraption! Still on antibiotics, but my leg is finally healing properly! AND… I even managed to take a short walk up and down my street today! 

Keeping these paws crossed for continued progress!

~Happy Tuesday, friends! We are so happy to finally have some good news to share with you! Thank you for all your encouragement and support!~

30 thoughts on “Bigly Bestest Free at Last!

  1. Awww Jett, that’s amazing!! Way to go buddy!
    I bet you must be so relieved to see some improvements with him; hopefully the antibiotics are still working their magic and it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out..xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Caz! It is a huge relief; this whole recovery process didn’t go even remotely the way I had pictured it would… but we will happily take whatever small victories that have finally come our way ❤❤❤

      Liked by 1 person

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