Bigly Bestest Bundle of Mischief

@thebiglybestestdoggie: I just hit the jackpot!  Finally got my paws on an electronic device of my very own! Wonder how long it will take Momma to realize she’s missing her Kindle…


I'm trying to be discreet, but I just can't hide my excitement!

I’m trying to be discreet, but I just can’t hide my excitement!

~Happy Tuesday, friends! Either Jett found a really good book to read on that Kindle, or he’s developing an unfortunate addiction to Candy Crush. Yikes!~

Bigly Bestest Ball Collector

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Some people collect coins. Other people collect stamps. Some people even collect pricey antique cars. Well, this doggie collects balls. Because I like balls. They’re my babies. Luckily, my precious ball babies are in such great hands- errrr… paws!

Jett dreams of creating the world's first ball-filled doggie funhouse one day...

Jett dreams of creating the world’s first ball-filled doggie funhouse one day…

~Happy Tuesday, friends!~

Return of The Bigly Bestest

@thebiglybestestdoggie: I know I’m a little late… but Happy New Year! Sending everyone Bigly Bestest hugs, kisses, and lots of good wishes for a fantastic 2019. I’ve missed you all so much! 

I'm so happy to be back!

I’m so happy to be back!

~Thank you all so, so much for the outpouring of kindness and support you’ve generously shared in these challenging weeks since my mom passed. Jett has proven a million times over that he truly is the bestest doggie I could’ve ever asked for. And you guys are pretty terrific, too.~