Bigly Bestest Devil in Disguise

@thebiglybestestdoggie: It’s almost Halloween, and I am so ready! Momma says I’m the cutest little devil she’s ever seen. Oh, and guess what? It’s also my second Tails ‘n’ Tweets anniversary! That’s right; it’s been two amazing years since I came along and joined (and unintentionally took over) Comically Quirky!

Who’s ready for a devilishly good time?

~Happy Halloween, friends! And thanks for joining Jett on his exciting adventures! You guys are the best!~

Bigly Bestest Bookworm

@thebiglybestestdoggie: I like to lick floors. And trees. And lots of other random objects. But Momma says I need some different hobbies. So she suggested that I read a book. I’m pretty sure she probably meant eat a book, though. I think that would make so much more sense, wouldn’t it?

Check out my exciting little book collection!

~Happy Tuesday, friends! Isn’t it great how books bring great joy to humans and doggies alike? Haha!~

Bigly Bestest Glorious Shadow

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Who is that majestic beast walking alongside me? He looks incredible! What? Really? It’s me?! Wow, I look so fierce! So utterly magnificent! Although I do also resemble a goofy hyena…

Well hello there, you stunning beast!

~Happy Tuesday, friends!~

Bigly Bestest Helpful Companion

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Just another lazy day, lounging around and thinking about what else I should be doing. I guess I could help Momma with laundry. Or maybe I could empty the dishwasher. Ooh, wait! I know! I bet Momma would just love it if I made dinner tonight! Yes, that’s perfect! 

Not all doggies are lazy, ya know!

~Happy Tuesday, friends! While I would indeed be thrilled to not have to worry about dinner tonight, I’m not sure the kids will be too enthused about being served puppy chow. Haha!~

Bigly Bestest Sad Goodbye

@thebiglybestestdoggie:  Cousin Chloe, you were a very good doggie. You lived a great life, and you were so very loved. You have been a loyal friend to us all, and I hereby grant you the honorary title of Bestest Little Angel Doggie. Rest in peace, sweet cousin. We love you always.

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” ~Will Rogers