Bigly Bestest Thanksgiving Feast

@thebiglybestestdoggie: So excited for Thanksgiving! Heard my Grammie and Grandpa are planning to prepare a yummy feast! Hopefully someone will remember to sneak me a bite or two. And really, who can say no to this precious face?

Don't mind me; I'll just be strategically chilling under the table.

Don’t mind me; I’ll just be strategically chilling under the table.

~Happy Tuesday, friends! Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with happiness and fun times with family and friends!~

Bigly Bestest Lap Doggie

@thebiglybestestdoggie: What do you mean I am not a lap doggie? How can that possibly be? I mean, look at me!  I am a doggie… and I am also sitting quite comfortably on Momma’s lap. So you see, I am definitely the perfect lap doggie!

The best seat in the house is always the seat somebody else is already sitting on!

~Happy Tuesday, friends!~

Bigly Bestest Hostile Takeover

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Well, isn’t that just outrageous? This giant plastic ball had the nerve to take over MY beanbag! Along with that, it took my favorite book! This is definitely no ordinary ball. Wonder if this mutant got so big by eating all my yummy treats… well, peace was never an option!

Sorry, but in this case, sharing is definitely not caring!

~Happy Tuesday, friends! Special thanks to my youngest son for his help creating this week’s Tails ‘n’ Tweets post! ~

Bigly Bestest Reading & Wrestling

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Remember how Momma told me to go read a book instead of licking the floor? Well, guess what? I found Youngest Owner’s wrestling book, and thought I’d try out a few moves. Right now I’m working on mastering some fancy new submissions. Momma is gonna be so proud of me!

So left paw goes over the left leg like this…

~Happy Tuesday, friends! You just might be looking at the future Doggie WWE champion!  Haha!~