Bigly Bestest Road to Recovery

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Follow up appointment with vet went really well! So excited afterward that I jumped right into the driver seat, where I clearly belong. Momma didn’t think I was ready for that leap though, so I didn’t get to drive home after all. But at least my leg is finally healing well, and will be starting on physical therapy exercises this week! Hooray for progress!

After this long road to recovery, I really do think I’ve earned the right to drive…

~Happy Tuesday, friends! We’re so happy to finally be on the right track to recovery, and we appreciate each and every one of you for all your support!~

Bigly Bestest Options

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Now that I’m finally free from the cone, I have so many options! I might do a bit of yoga… or play with my squeaky ball… or maybe ‘ll go outside in the sun and thrash around in the grass. So many fun possibilities!

Cone-free life is gooood…

~Happy Tuesday, friends!~

Bigly Bestest Free at Last!

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Notice anything different about me? I’ll give you a hint: look at my neck! That’s right- I’m finally (FINALLY!) free from that torturous cone-shaped contraption! Still on antibiotics, but my leg is finally healing properly! AND… I even managed to take a short walk up and down my street today! 

Keeping these paws crossed for continued progress!

~Happy Tuesday, friends! We are so happy to finally have some good news to share with you! Thank you for all your encouragement and support!~

Bigly Bestest Inner Peace

@thebiglybestestdoggie: When life gets challenging, this yoga doggie loves to stretch, mediate, and nap his way to inner peace! Life in the cone hasn’t exactly been a picnic, so I’ve been working hard to find my Zen whenever Momma rolls out this comfy yoga mat. I must say, it seems to be helping!

Anyone in the market for a new yoga buddy?

~ Happy Tuesday, friends! We are cautiously optimistic right now- Jett seems to be responding well to the current antibiotics, so fingers (and paws!) crossed for continued progress. Thank you all for cheering him on during this rollercoaster recovery ordeal. ❤ ~