Bigly Bestest Second-Guessing

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Eagerly jumped into car without thinking things through. Where exactly are we even going? To play at the park? To pick the kids up from school? Or (eek!) to the vet?!? Augh! Learn to brain, Jett! Learn to brain!!!

What have I gotten myself into?

What have I gotten myself into?

~Happy Tuesday! Don’t feel too bad for Jett; he enjoyed a leisurely ride to school on a nice sunny day. Lucky doggie!~

Bigly Bestest Cruisin’

@thebiglybestestdoggie: It’s been such a great day! I walked in the park! I went for a car ride! Then I jumped into the passenger seat and tried to drive the car! Life is good…

~Happy Tuesday, everyone! Doggies sure do love a nice car ride… I just never would’ve imagined how interested they might be in actually learning to drive. Haha!~