Bigly Bestest Photo Shoot Fun

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Not entirely sure what “normal” doggies do for fun… but this is pretty entertaining! Say ‘treats’! I mean, ‘cheese’!

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

~Happy Tuesday, friends! Jett’s sweet smile never fails to makes me happy… and I hope it brightens your day, too!~

Bigly Bestest Random Act of Kindness

@thebiglybestestdoggie:  Found this sweet little gem while walking through the neighborhood with Momma. Guess we all need a reminder to slow down and take the time to truly notice and appreciate the small joys that are right there in front of us. So stop and smell the roses… and the rocks, too!

Even the tiniest token of kindness can brighten someone’s day, so don’t forget to pay it forward every chance you get!

~Happy Tuesday, friends! And in case you were wondering, Jett did, in fact, consider eating that precious rock. Guess he thought it was ‘sweet’ in all the right ways. Haha!~

Bigly Bestest Good Morning

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Good morning, everyone! You know what makes me happy? Long early morning walks make me happy! You know what else makes me happy? The yummy treat I usually get after a good walk! Walking and treats… What’s not to love?

~Happy Tuesday, friends!~

Bigly Bestest Boredest Doggie

@thebiglybestestdoggie: This summer heat is just not motivating. I don’t want to play fetch. I don’t want to chase birds. I don’t even want to thrash around the yard like a beached whale. And I usually love thrashing around! It’s gonna be a long summer…

Summer heat… Bleh.

~Happy Tuesday, everyone! Hope you’re managing  to stay cool… or warm, for all our friends in the southern hemisphere.~