Marginal New Year’s Motivation

Happy New Year!

Speaking of the new year…

I don’t have any New Year’s resolutions.

And I’m far too exhausted from all the, uh, fun and excitement of 2017 to make any.

But anyway, here are a dozen hilariously motivating and inspirational pieces of New Year’s resolution advice to help start the year off with a bang:


(Having realistic goals and expectations helps start the new year off right and prevents instant failure two days in to the year.)


(That’s the spirit! Way to embrace your amazing self, imperfections and all.)


(If you make any resolutions at all this year, this ought to be it.)


(This is a great way to take the pressure off. If you succeed in somehow bettering yourself, great. If you don’t, nothing lost. It’s a win-win!)


(Go big or go home, right? So why not aim to fail in the grandest of manners?)


(Ah, so that’s what all the fuss is about? A week-long To Do list? When you look at it that way, it really doesn’t sound so daunting.)


(What a terrific idea! Everything about it has the makings of a successful business concept.)


(For those of you with kids, it is imperative to set goals that are practical, attainable, and won’t drive you to drinking in the event of miserly defeat.)


(Nothing beats the feeling of knowing that all your friends are rooting for your failure. Oh well. Who needs them, anyway? The resolutions, that is. Not the friends. Friends are good. Well, mostly.)


(Some of us struggle with being able to identify realistic goals. It happens. Fortunately, there’s always someone who’s eager to help set the record straight.)


(Hey! Being a smart-ass is a talent, not a bad vice that needs to be obliterated. Geez!)


(Now this I can handle! Being awesome is…well, awesome! Always choose to be awesome.)

Whether or not you made any resolutions for 2018, just remember this:

Stay positive, keep smiling, and always try to find the humor in whatever life throws your way.

~Happy Friday, friends! Best wishes for a bright 2018!~

(Marginal New Year’s Motivation originally appeared on Comically Quirky on 12/30/16)

Marginal New Year’s Motivation

Happy (almost) New Year!

Speaking of the new year…

I don’t have any New Year’s resolutions.

And I’m far too exhausted from all the…fun and excitement…of 2016 to make any right now.

At any rate, here are a dozen useful pieces of New Year’s resolution advice to start the year off with a bang:


(Having realistic goals and expectations will help start the new year off right and prevent you from being an instant failure two days in to the year.)


(That’s the spirit! Way to embrace your amazing self, imperfections and all.)


(If you make any resolutions at all this coming year, this ought to be it.)


(This is a great way to take the pressure off. If you succeed in somehow bettering yourself, great. If you don’t, nothing lost. It’s a win-win!)


(Go big or go home, right? So why not aim to fail in the grandest of manners?)


(Ah, so that’s what all the fuss is about? A week-long To Do list? When you look at it that way, it really doesn’t sound so daunting.)


(What a terrific idea! Everything about it has the makings of a successful business concept.)


(For those of you with kids, it is particularly imperative to set goals that are practical, attainable, and won’t drive you to drinking in the event of miserly defeat.)


(Nothing beats the feeling of knowing that all your friends are rooting for your failure. Oh well. Who needs them, anyway? The resolutions, that is. Not the friends. Friends are good. Well, mostly.)


(Some of us struggle with being able to identify realistic goals. It happens. Fortunately, there’s always someone who’s eager to help set the record straight.)


(Hey, now! Being a smart-ass is a talent, not a bad vice that needs to be obliterated. Geez!)


(Now this I can handle! Being awesome is…well, awesome! Always choose to be awesome.)

Whether or not you end up making any resolutions for the new year, just remember this:

Stay positive, keep smiling, and always try to find the humor in whatever life throws your way.

~Happy Friday, friends! Best wishes for a bright and prosperous 2017!~