Bigly Bestest Coned Duo

@thebiglybestestdoggie: OMG! OMG! Momma coned the kid too! Wait, what? He’s willingly wearing that thing?  In support of me?? Oh, that’s really sweet…

Whoa! What the heck just happened?

~Happy Tuesday, friends! Jett continues to improve a little more each day… and with any luck, he’ll be free from his stylish blue cone in just a few more days. Woo hoo!~

Bigly Bestest Cutie in a Cone

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Surgery went well. It was very rough at first, but I am slowly feeling a little better each day. Momma was so happy to see me finally smile again for the first time since last Thursday!

Heeeeyyy! Look at me being all cute and silly!

~Thank you, friends, for all your well wishes and positive thoughts. We are so grateful for you all. 💜~

Bigly Bestest Big Day

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Today’s the day I get my leg fixed. Surgery is this morning, and I’m kind of scared. But Momma and Daddy will take good care of me while I recover, and those crazy kids are here all the time now, so I know they’ll help out too. I suppose it would be nice to not have to hop around on three legs anymore…

Please wish me lots of luck!

~Hey friends, hope you are doing well during these challenging times. Wishing you all good health and better days ahead. 💜~

Bigly Bestest Broken Doggie Part 3

@thebiglybestestdoggie: So I went back to the vet… and my leg is definitely not improving. He referred me to a veterinarian surgeon. Going for a consultation in a few days, but seems very likely I’ll be needing surgery if my leg has any chance of getting better. 😦

Just doing what I do best these days… sitting around, looking cute.

~Thank you all for your continued well wishes. It means so much to us, as we do our best to help The Bigly Bestest recover so he can get back to having more fun adventures soon. ❤ ~

Bigly Bestest Broken Doggie Part 2

@thebiglybestestdoggie: It’s been two weeks now, and I’m still very wobbly on my leg. Going back to the vet this morning to see what he says. Please wish me luck!

This is no fun, no fun at all. 😦

Bigly Bestest Broken Doggie

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Doggie down! Doggie down! Must have moved wrong during a game of fetch with Daddy, and now I’m hopping around like some kind of kooky rabbit. The doctor said I can’t go for walks, play fetch, or do anything fun. Hopefully my leg will heal on its own. I really, really don’t want to have a surgery…

If there’s one benefit right now, it’s being waited on like royalty. Look at me dining in style in the living room!

~Hey friends, Jett could use some positive healing vibes right now, so please feel free to send some his way!~

Bigly Bestest Wacky Walk

@thebiglybestestdoggie: When nature called on my walk, I squatted down and stared straight into the window of a parked AT&T van. I realized there was a guy sitting in the van, so I gave a big, friendly grin. The guy glanced back at me in horror, and quickly took off like he had somewhere better to be.  Guess not everyone can handle the sight of a happy poopie pup. Weird…

Still laughing about this amusing tail… I mean, tale.

~Happy Tuesday, friends! It’s always fun to find humor in the most unexpected situations, isn’t it? ~

Bigly Bestest Snowball Fight

@thebiglybestestdoggie: For Valentine’s Day, Momma gave the crazy kids a bunch of indoor snowballs. It sounded fun… until one of them had the brilliant idea to turn it into an absolute battlefield by launching them all at ME! Sure, it’s all fun and games… until it turns into a game of Doggie Dodgeball!

Do I look like I’m having fun?

~Happy Tuesday, friends! When life doesn’t give you real snowballs to throw, sometimes you just have to improvise. And don’t worry, Jett is fine. Those “snowballs” are just enormous balls of puffy cotton!~

Bigly Bestest King of the Stairs

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Since nobody in this house has bothered to build King Jett a magnificent throne, I’ve decided to claim my rightful place at the top of the staircase- the highest place of honor. That’s right, I’m King of the Stairs. And nobody can pass through without proper payment… in the form of yummy dog treats, of course!

Thou shall not pass… unless there are treats involved.

~Happy Tuesday, friends!~

Bigly Bestest Dreamin’ of Drivin’

@thebiglybestestdoggie: I love going for car rides! It’s so much fun! But you know what would be even more fun? If Momma taught me how to drive! Ooh yeah! Indy 500, here I come!

Look out, world! The Bigly Bestest is ready to take the wheel!

~Happy Tuesday, friends!~