Bigly Bestest Page Turner

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Got lots of time on my paws while I work on recovering… so I decided it might be a good time to catch up on some reading. This goofy graphic novel is a real page turner!

If this book suddenly gets boring, guess I can always eat it…

~Happy Tuesday, friends!~

34 thoughts on “Bigly Bestest Page Turner

    • Haha! Since Jett isn’t much of a barker, I’d have to say it’s probably intended to prevent a dog from chewing on themselves following an injury or surgery. But I have to wonder if there isn’t a more effective contraption that doesn’t completely throw off their sense of direction and distance so that they don’t have to spend every waking moment slamming into walls and grazing their humans’ legs :/


    • Eh. Satellite reception from doggie cones is not all it’s cracked up to be. 😛 But at least there was indeed a cool doggie character in that book he was so eagerly reading! 😀


    • Haha! Jett enjoys the tactile paws-on experience that comes with reading a good book. 😛 He is occasionally interested in something that comes on TV, usually when it involves dogs. We might have to put on Ratatouille one of these days and see what Jett thinks 😀

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  1. “You’ll be the same dog in 2 years that you are today except for the books you read and the dogs you associate with”….Snoopy.

    I also noticed your trendy haircut. Nice. Get well soon

    Liked by 1 person

    • Snoopy is a wise doggie. He obviously knows the importance of reading a good book. 😀

      Yeah, about that trendy haircut… I don’t think he’s a fan of it any more than I am. So happy it’s growing back, slowly but surely!


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