Merry Gobble Gobble Day

Turkeys totally love me!

It’s true.

As a vegetarian, I pose zero threat to those poor fellows.

But enough about that.

Let’s kick today off with a little humor, shall we?


(Even if he can’t pass for a ghost, he may at least be able to pass as an albino turkey. And who the heck wants to eat that?)


(Um, hello!?! Surely the alarms in your turkey-brained head must be blaring by now!)


(Sorry to break it to you, but sometimes the truth hurts.)


(When you put it that way, it does sound more like a day at the spa, rather than the one-way ticket to inferno that it really is. But hey, enjoy that rubdown!)


(Save your breath, little turkey. You couldn’t pay me enough to make me want to eat you. Consider it my early Christmas present to you.)


(Bet that grass is looking like a pretty appealing option right about now.)


(Sure, but don’t get too complacent. Traditions can change over time…)


(Presumably, eating and being stuffed from the other end are not one and the same.)


(The need for posting every single thing on social media can get a little out of hand sometimes. Find a better hobby, turkey! On second thought, might as well make that final selfie count for all it’s worth.)


(Excellent point. Much like Columbus Day, Thanksgiving is yet another holiday of questionable origins.)

What exactly is it that we are celebrating, again?

Okay, okay.

Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy spending with family and friends, celebrating the myriad of reasons to be thankful, today and every day.

Because there are always reasons to be grateful in this life.

~Happy Thanksgiving, friends! Hope you all have a wonderful day! ~

(Merry Gobble Gobble Day originally appeared on Comically Quirky on 10/24/16)

26 thoughts on “Merry Gobble Gobble Day

    • Glad you enjoyed the goofy comics! 😀 I wish I could say I spared a turkey’s life for Thanksgiving, but unfortunately I’m the sole vegetarian in my family. In the future, I may have to consider smuggling all turkeys out of the country in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. Bet they’d love those scenic beaches in Australia! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Loved it the first time round – still do, and we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Oz. Hope you had a good one.
    I am thankful everyday for the life I have, and the small things, and I have make sure I think that to myself everyday (usually before I go to sleep).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Those poor turkeys have yet to pick up on the ways of retailers and consumers when it comes to timing. Which might be a good thing, so they don’t go around living in fear of the dreaded month beginning with an N…

      Happy Turkey(less!) Day! 😄


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