Bigly Bestest Pizza Pirate

@thebiglybestestdoggie: Well, well, well. What do we have here? Looks to me like a giant box of treats… Could it be?  Must. Move. Quickly. Eye on the prize! Eye on the prize!

~Happy Tuesday, everyone! Who wants pizza? Sadly for Jett, the box was totally empty. But if he ever manages to get his paws on some, he said might consider sharing. Maybe…~

24 thoughts on “Bigly Bestest Pizza Pirate

  1. We have so many “mom-and-pop” type pizza establishments near us we don’t enlist the major-chain delivery folks as we once did. Yet, the other day I found myself wondering what fun it would be to call Pizza Hut and Domino’s at the same time and order a pizza from each to come to our home. Wondered who would get theirs here hotter, in better condition, etc. – not to mention how timely. But more so, I wondered what the priceless looks would be on each driver’s face if they pulled up to the same location simultaneously one day. And after all…two pizzas are better than one any day!

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      • Just read in the local paper a few miles away a house had six – count ’em – six food deliveries at their home last Saturday…and they didn’t order any of them. Turns out thieves who steal credit cards sometimes like to have some additional fun rather than just get goods for themselves. Someone contacted GrubHub and placed a half-dozen bogus orders to all go to the same household. At least one of the establishments was a pizza place – $93.00 worth of pizza and appetizers from them alone. Apparently, the restaurants/places involved all get their money up front so they don’t “lose.” Of course, the people trying to make the deliveries don’t get anything for their efforts. I will let you know if I do the Pizza Hut-Domino’s experiment…and I fully intend to pay (and eat!!!).

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