Bigly Bestest Attention Enthusiast

@thebiglybestestdoggie:  The kids are back in school… which means Momma obviously has more time now to give me unlimited belly rubs and even more love! Best of all, I bet I will have her undivided attention every minute of every day while they’re at school! I mean, what else could she possibly want to do than snuggle with her most favoritest doggie?

Finally, I get all the attention again!

~Happy Tuesday, friends! It’s hard to believe that summer break is over already… especially since it’s still 100 degrees out! Crazy, crazy.~

25 thoughts on “Bigly Bestest Attention Enthusiast

    • Jett is indeed getting extra attention… although judging by the way he’s currently sprawled across the floor and glancing at me with those woe-is-me puppy dog eyes, he simply can’t ever get enough attention! 😛

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  1. I don’t know about Jett, but Bud accompanies me wherever I go throughout the house. Helper or hinderer? I dunno, but he is faithful! Jett, as always, looks cool as a cucumber, even in 100 degree heat! Maybe we only have about another week of the unbearable heat before it starts staying in the reasonable mid 90’s. LOL. Mona

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    • Jett is my shadow, too! Throughout the day, we go upstairs and then back down and up again, from room to room, all the while he must be wondering why we can’t just sit still for more than two minutes. And yet, he’s not even remotely deterred. 😛


    • Thanks, Debbie! As a matter of fact, Jett is so irresistible that I frequently find myself stopping whatever I’m doing just so I can give him another belly rub or snuggle or kiss. ❤

      Hope you're having a great week!

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    • Yes, he does have the luxury of enjoying a nice air conditioned abode. Except for that yucky two week period when the AC kept sporadically going out. *shudder*

      Jett has also discovered chomping on projectile ice cubes that erratically shoot out from the freezer door’s ice maker does wonders for keeping him cool and content. 😉


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